Welcome! CEF Recycling is locally owned and operated here in Jacksonville, Florida, and surrounding areas. Dedicated to taking the Community, Environment, and Future of waste hauling and recycling to the next level. Hauling and recycling waste from point A to point B can be stressful. It doesn’t need to be. C.E.F Recycling also serves in the auto, electrical, and industrial sectors that produce scrap metal waste. Our environment is the primary focus in serving our customers. Safety has always been our main priority while still making an impact on businesses to achieve their recycling standards.
With passions in the waste and recycling field, our vision started as an ongoing environmental problem occurring in both point and non-point sources. For a cleaner Community, Environment, and Future recycling and waste handling needs are a growing concern for our population’s health and wellness. Be a part of the change! Approximately 75% of all waste items can be recycled; only 30% makes it to recycling centers, leaving over half being sent to U.S landfills.
Waste can become toxic to surrounding environments without going noticed. Grease, oils, & other fluids can be messy during pickup and transportation. Our focus is to limit the amount of toxic chemicals on all job sites as well as during transportation on major highways and county roads.
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